Wednesday, November 24, 2004

If you've got some worthy news for the this page e-mail me at and i'll send you an invite to join so you can infact post your own news.

I've finished my second Dan Brown book this week. His book Decpetion Point was a very entertaining read and towards the end i was reluctent to put the book down. i just wanted to keep reading.

This weeks sees off Rissa's birthday and Shelly's birthday Happy birthday to the both of you!

Shelly's party, Thanks mate hope you enjoyed the wine i gave you.

Rissa's birthday celebrations going to be held at the Taren Point Hotel (or for those of you as old as me Dave's Place)

Towards the end of the week Ben's birthday turns up as well.

The Misfits had there first none loss of the season, against the equally worst team in the comp.

It seems as though that last night was a great game of soccer for me and also one of the worst for me as well.. scoring2 goals in the first half and saving all the goals in the second half. But still i let my anger get the better of me on the field.. i 've really got to calm down a little after all "its only a game" -Kane.

Special mention to damo whom apparently scored 2 goals! but onlt one was recorded. poor damo better luck next time mate!

Score 3-3

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